Who Should Attend And Why
This programme is designed for field sales people in their first six months in the role, sales staff new to a company and people with no formal sales training. Participants will gain valuable insight and hands-on skills through practical techniques with proven results.

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
Identify the importance of solid preparation and how to put it into practice
Maintain control and project a professional image of the company, the product and the service
Read the buyer’s motives and know how best to present the solution
Recognise buying signals, overcome objections and know when to close
Workshop Overview

Selling Something or Helping Them Buy
first impressions and how to influence them
buying motives
discover what the customer really wants

self preparation
essential and desirable issues
impact of your style and appearance on others
know your product
essential selling tools for today and the new millennium


discover the three key questions to increased sales and profit
learn how to use the window of opportunity
how to gain ‘hot’ referrals


effective use of every selling day and hour
getting past ‘blocks’, and making appointments

The Meeting – Stage One

discover and practice instant rapport-building techniques
communication skills – listening, probing and questioning
identifying customer needs
using buying motives and other ‘hot buttons’
establishing levels of authority

The Meeting – Stage Two
objection handling, complaints into opportunities, defend price and build value
how to capitalise on buying signals, recognition and resulting action
discover and practice how to ask for the sale
closing the sale – including the cost close

After Sales Service
seeing sales through to successful conclusion