Understanding And Developing The Bigger Picture
Who Should Attend And Why
Senior Management and Executives who are looking for further improvement and development, and who would benefit from interaction with other executives and the opportunity to share similar ideas and issues.
By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
Understand issues of motivation in the present climate
Utilise the talents and contribution of those with whom they interact
Institute change within their remit
Create a ‘Vision’ for their area of responsibility and transmit this in a motivational way to their staff
Workshop Overview
Personal Objectives
Management Style
deciding on which is appropriate and when
recognising the value of staff and their ability to input ideas
staff as an asset? can we actually place a value on them?
The Importance of Strategic Planning
how to encourage creative thinking amongst the workforce
receiving creativity in a positive way
looking for innovation and implementing change
addressing the fear of change
Techniques of Problem Solving
learning to define problems
encouraging the team to think laterally
the value and method behind a SWOT Analysis
prioritising the outcome for the best effect
Sharing Responsibility
communicating effectively at all levels
understanding and breaking down natural barriers between executive and non-executive staff
how and when to delegate and empower
Managing Change
understand the difference between aggression and assertion
recognising where we are now and the magnitude of the change
managing a climate of change from executive level through to customer facing staff
The ‘Executive Team’
agreeing a team purpose
creating and agreeing organisational values
recognising the value of both departmental and corporate ‘Vision’
Succession Planning
coaching for succession – heart or head? how much can we objectively control and how much relies on our feelings and intuition
trusting the candidate. Starting the process towards empowerment